Christopher Callahan inaugurated as Pacific’s 26th president

主席卡拉汉 speaks at his investiture

总统 Christopher Callahan speaks at his investiture ceremony on Oct. 20.

新冠肺炎疫情可能推迟了克里斯托弗·卡拉汉总统的就职时间, but it did not dash the spirit.

On the afternoon of October 20, 2021, 第一夫人琼·卡拉汉将总统奖章授予校董会主席诺曼·艾伦, 是谁在卡拉汉正式成为博彩平台网址大全第26任校长时给他的.

数以百计的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 评议, 捐助者, 在斯托克顿校区标志性的伯恩斯塔的阴影下,在风景如画的诺尔斯草坪上,社区成员和客人在雄伟的树冠下观看.


“To the entire community who make up this amazing university—our students, 教师, 工作人员, 我们博彩平台网址大全的校友和社区领袖们——你们让我和珍感到非常受欢迎. 自从我们第一次来到博彩平台网址大全,这里就给了我们家的感觉。. “你们都以优雅、同情、创造力和坚定的决心应对了这场全球大流行. I am more confident than ever in our future.”

That confidence was evident near the conclusion of his inaugural address, 卡拉汉重申了他要把博彩平台网址大全打造成全美最好的以学生为中心的大学的目标, comprehensive university within 10 years.

“I often hear that Pacific is a hidden gem. It is time to retire that phrase,” Callahan said. “我们在全国排名前100,在美国西部排名前20 by the Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Ed. Our strengths lie with you, our people.”

View 就职一周 photos, videos and more.

Callahan’s first official day as president was July 1, 2020. 他最近表示,由于博彩平台网址大全的历史性质,即使是推迟的授职仪式对博彩平台网址大全来说也很重要. 在上个世纪只有9位校长的博彩平台网址大全,任命校长的情况非常罕见. 

“这是一个重要的时刻,我们已经等待了一年多来庆祝,88年的艾伦说, ’94. “I think you’ll all agree with me that it was worth the wait.”

玛丽亚Pallavicini, 教务长兼学术事务执行副校长,在卡拉汉到来之前担任临时校长, recalled how he stepped in to help before his arrival on campus. 

“在5月(2020年)期间,克里斯心甘情愿地、急切地介入协助我所谓的‘所有事情’,’ which included considering enrollment, budget scenarios and the university’s health and safety. 克里斯在大学为即将到来的一年做准备时提供了他的观点和指导. 我非常感谢克里斯在早期的COVID时期帮助管理大学.”


在疫情最严重的时候,兰迪·奥尔金是博彩平台网址大全学生会主席. “主席卡拉汉 and I were both pandemic presidents. I kind of like that title,” Holguin said. “我和校长会举行虚拟会议,在社交距离之外吃午餐,在校园里散步. He was always very intentional and purposeful about our meetings, which as a student leader was very valuable.”

Added Scout Cooper-Wilson ’22, current ASuop president, “主席卡拉汉 hit the ground running, making tough choices to keep our community safe. I am grateful for his dedication and passion for this university.”

Other speakers expounded on Callahan’s passion for Pacific.

LaNor Miller Smith ’86, ’87, 总统 of the Pacific 校友 Association: “We stand ready as volunteers, 捐助者, 招聘人员和朋友们与你合作,共同推进这所不可思议的大学.”

Denise Fitzgerald, Chair of the Staff Advisory Council: “你们已经在决策过程中纳入了员工领导,并继续承认员工对这一伟大机构的贡献.”

Paul Subar, Chair of the Academic Council: “我们博彩平台网址大全的教师对未来感到兴奋……我们已经准备好成为未来持续增长和机遇的一部分。.”

Kevin Lincoln, Stockton Mayor: “加州最大的13个城市中有3个自称是博彩平台网址大全的所在地. On behalf of Mayor (London) Breed from San Francisco, Mayor (Darrell) Steinberg from Sacramento and myself, welcome to the university and welcome to each and every one of our cities.”

田纳西大学的代表出席了仪式, University of Maryland, Arizona State University and Montclair State in New Jersey, where one of Callahan’s best friends, 乔纳森Koppell, 现在是总统. 两人在成为大学校长之前都是亚利桑那州立大学的院长.

Koppell wrote on Twitter: “This tweet makes it official! Congratulations to my friend, 共犯兼老师克里斯·卡拉汉正式就任太平洋地区主席. 克里斯将永远把学生放在第一位,同时建立一个充满活力的学习者和实干家社区.”

Celebratory week on three campuses

The investiture ceremony was part of 就职一周 with events tailored to 主席卡拉汉’s top priorities. The 萨克拉门托校园 held a luncheon to open the week, the 旧金山校区 had a closing event and, 中间, five symposia and other gatherings were held in Stockton.


大师: 来自不同学科的四位教授就多个主题分享了他们的专业知识, including building lifelong relationships with students. “你需要在课堂上投入150%的精力,”萨沙·约瑟夫-马修斯(商务)说。. “You can’t expect them to give 150% if you are not going to do the same.” The other panelists were Derek Isetti (Speech-Language Pathology), Sharmila King (Economics) and Courtney Lehmann (English). Jeffrey Hole (English) moderated. 

The College Student Experience in the 2020s: 在德罗萨大学中心(DeRosa University Center)的莱尔(Lair),四位学生或最近的校友走上舞台,讨论当代人的大学经历. On the panel were Christian Cardona ’19, ’21 (English and Business); Rene Jesse (RJ) Bagus ’21 (Music Industry Studies), Tierra Smithson ’22 (Political Science) and Samantha Reed ’22 (Sociology). Vice 总统 for 学生生活 Maria Blandizzi moderated. “作为第一代学生,你有时会觉得自己是在替别人上大学. Students are people, not robots,” Reed said.

Public Service through Experiential Education: 在为学生提供社区学习环境方面表现出色的四位教授讨论了这些机会如何为教育体验增添更深层次. Sharing the dais were Veronica Bandy (药店), Melissa C. Brown (法律), Elisa M. Chavez (Dentistry) and Dari Sylvester Tran (Political Science). 大学发展和校友关系副校长Scott Biedermann主持了会议.

班迪讲述了自己作为一名父母受教育程度有限的拉丁裔人的感人经历, but she still attended Pacific, 现在在这所大学任教,她的使命是为学生创造体验机会.

Diversity and American Higher Education: Professor Qingwen Dong (Communications), Senior Assistant Dean Tracy L. 西蒙斯(法律), Christian Cardona ’19, ’21 (English and Business) and Gavin Henderson ’21, a former Community Involvement Program scholar, delved into DEI topics. Mary Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, inaugural Vice 总统 of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer, 是主持人. “There are three skill sets that are essential (for DEI work),” Dong said. “它们是跨文化敏感度、社交情感能力和积极倾听.”

The Future of Intercollegiate 体育运动: 格洛丽亚Nevarez, the trailblazing commissioner of the West Coast Conference, 接受了学生运动员伊利亚·伯德桑(棒球)和珍妮·帕卡德(足球)的采访。. 内瓦雷斯是第一个担任NCAA一级联赛主席的拉丁裔. “体育运动之所以成为许多大学的大门,是因为它所建立的亲和力,”内瓦雷斯说. “体育运动 are the touchpoint to so many aspects of university life.”